By Alice Blandford, Nicaragua Medical Mission Director: Nicaragua Medical Mission and Vacation Bible School members Brad & Dorothy Simmons-Robertson, Earle & Carolyn Bryan, and Victor & Alice Blandford donated backpacks filled with hand sanitizers, masks, and other essential items to citizens in Bluefields, Nicaragua.
A huge THANK YOU to Victor Simmons and his wife Grace Mary Gordon Woo who distributed the backpacks. Victor is also one of the volunteers that work with the mission group each year when we are in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Medical Mission and Vacation Bible School began in 2008 by members of the Nicaraguan American Nurses Association of Miami, Florida and members of Community Presbyterian Church of Clewiston, Florida following an invitation from Voluntariado Vicentino AIC, Managua chapter. The objective is to help provide medical and dental care to people of scarce resources as well as sharing the love of Jesus Christ through the Vacation Bible School Program led by Mrs. Erlinda Brown.
In 2015 we joined efforts with Rev. Allan Johnson; Episcopal Priest at St Paul’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC and extended our mission to the city of Bluefields in the South Atlantic Region of Nicaragua.
The mission has been an extremely rewarding experience for many volunteers from all different areas of the United States and Nicaragua for the past nine years. Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, for the past two years we have been unable complete the mission in Nicaragua, however, we have still been able send desperately needed supplies. Our volunteers are eagerly awaiting the day when according to God’s will we will be able to return and resume the mission program.